One of the coolest whiskey-related gifts I’ve ever received, of course, was from Elad Jt during one of his visits. It was a scratch-off poster where you reveal each whisky you’ve tasted by scratching it off under your belt. This was ages ago, but I remember Elad telling me that each taste has its own smell after you scratch it, and as you know, I struggle with identifying scents and flavors. Once, I told the Doc that rum smells like lemon—that pretty much explains everything. But I couldn’t smell anything, even though I really sniffed that poster! But let’s remember, Elad also said that every whisky at Costco is Macallan, so… you know—take it with a grain of salt.

In any case, it’s such fun to see how many whiskies I’ve already tasted and how many more there are to explore.

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