Today we were visiting the stills room and got an in depth explanation from John whoโ€™s been running the room for a very long time, and has been at the distillery for over 35 years. What a privilege to talk and learn from this man. We learned about the Longrow double distillation, the Hazelburn triple distillation and the Springbank 2.5 (!) distillation. You canโ€™t help wonder how people got to these formulas many decades ago.

The fantastic John running the stills in Springbank Distillery

David took us to see the mill room and machine and once again I found myself climbing through ladders from a century ago to places I would never have dared climbing before.

Springbank Distillery Mill

We then continued to the Blending room to create our own blend which was fun, especially to do this as a group and see what others come up with. I did 57% ex bourbon, 14% Sauternes 14% Rum and 14% Port. It was delicious yesterday after trying many drams and combinations ๐Ÿคช so hopefully will still be good when I open it and not a sugar catastrophe ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿซ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿง

Blending in Springbank Distillery

Today weโ€™re doing the big test ๐Ÿ˜… wish me luck!

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