Bergen's March Redhead Whiksey club meetup is here! And this time a mega special guest - Independent Bottler Single Cask Nation who recently got a double whammy! Winning the Independent Bottler of the Year award as well as they were bought by Artisanal Spririts who also own SMWS. Very exciting! We'll be trying 6 new bottles. Come with lots of passion as Joshua from SCN is one of the most fascinating people in the industry!

Make sure to have a designated driver and/or use an Uber or public transportation to and mostly from the event.

Date: Thurs March 28th 2024

Time: 8pm for an 8.30 tasting

Location: to be confirmed to registrants by email, Cresskill NJ

Tickets are $60 on venmo or zelle (email me).

It’s really great to see how our club is growing and so going forward and starting with this event I’m asking for payment to be made upon registration. I’m trying to avoid situations where people register but can’t make it in the last moment, while others who want to attend don’t get to. This will help me better manage attendance and have a more accurate view of it.

redhead whiskey club hosting single cask nation

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